there is a lot of gas.... a lot of gas trapped in the earth...that is what is keeping the earth floating....and that proves that this earth is not sitting on a giant tortoise :k)
they are laying a pipeline to get gas into india from iran trough pakistan and there is a lot of research going on in the krishna godavari sector for gas... the more gas they suck out...there is a going to be issues..
we might sink... the earth is floating ...coz the gas might not be replaced by there would be a cavity and the crust might crumble....and a lot of countries are actually above the sea level b3couse there is a lot of gas below those countries.... the more gas u extract the more trouble!!
its all too complicated but most of it makes sense....all u have to do is watch southpark and family guy :)
i am in no mood to blog coz today i have a lot of gas in my tummy....
someone gave me a eno ( eno de jhat se aaram) ... (please read jhat as jhat a.k.a quick and not as jhaat a.k.a ...i am not gonna mention what jhaat is :P ) ...and said....have it ass soon ass it is put in the water....but that generated so much gas bubbles that i choked on that gas actually came out of my nose and a lil bit actually creeped to my brain....and that when i realized... that my brain is actually bigger that my heart....
my heart is now a smart muscle... it pumps blood ... so does everybodies heart....and now a days my heart skips a beat every time a butterFLY in my tummy dies of gas poisoning ... i already told u....there is a lot of gas in my tummy.... i am eating a lot of spicy food...mostly chicken and i am looking for a duck....( butterFLYs in tummie happen when heart skips a beat for the wrong reason )
these (ducks and chicken) birds are amazing... they dont fly and u cant curse them... u see GOD must have been a really smart thing... .he created these bird but didnt gave them any wings....actually they do have wings but they are as good as not having any.... i mean instead of useless wings if he had given then gas problem all the would create regular gas in their tummy.... they cud have not needed winds to fly...
unfortunately my weight is too high or earth really sucks....u see Einstein invented this thing called relativity... so when newton was day dreaming about hot women under a tree...the theory of relativity came into play and he saw a apple fall down.... goood ness he must be so outta his mind that he created gravity.... i mean.... what about those poor lil hot women who were on his mind.... never mind... gravity fucked it up for both men and women... these days men need Viagra and women need push up bra's.....
then this stupid scientist invented silicon implants.... i mean... Pamela gives so many of us hard times... students cant study....adults loose sleeps.... oldies hate their life....gurls feel jealous....bitches ( female dogs ) only wish that thank god Pamela is not one of them...we shud call that scientist scien-tits
sometimes i think too much...and sometimes i dont think at all about the things i am thinking...
all the gas.... in my tummmy... makes grumbling sound...and at times it leaks from the far end of my smaller intestine....fuck.... i shud really stop now...else blogger s will not appreciate this blog....
those who read it....shud try and not search for the humor in this blog coz there is no humor...
there is a lot of gas.... in this world and in every bodies tummies....
the last i heard was scientists are studying the about of gas that comes out of a cows tummy while she digests her food and its impact on global warming... i mean they can leave alone the poor cow who gives us milk....and concentrate on indigestion issues human beings are facing...our farts are creating more global warming that those poos cows...and we dont even give milk :) .... oh women do .....sometimes....
milk is a awesome thing...and it actually helps in reducing the gas in the tummmy... i shud go get a badam milk... i always wonder why they show newly wedded wives giving their newly wedded husband a glass of hot milk.... cows milk reduces gas and gas is what they need to pump .... the more gas they pump into their wives the chances of satisfaction are more...and the more they pump...oohhhhh crap...why dont i just shut the fuck up...... ( that to me )
remember the times when our dads and their true wives used to buy us gas balloons when we were kids.... thats only to make their kids more smart.... frankly speaking... they can give us a carrot and ask us to shut the hell up...and they can have a walk in the clouds and romance....but no... no mom and their true husbond do that to thier kids...gas balloons build bonds....
gas really helps.... inert gas help more....
PS : the title of this post is only too lure ignorant bada-studs to read this blog....strawbery flavoured condoms
this is not a blog, that is suppse 2 show how smart i am...or how dumb i can get...its just that there is no limitation 2d human brain...d only limitation is time...eventually V all run out of it & no matter wht religion V follow or 2 which god (if there is any) V bow 2.. V all R gonna die... death is tax free :) life is not .. blogs R tax free ... OK!!.. i accept.. this is just another blog... U win.. i ll go2 hell.. ho ho ho ..!! go ahead .. read it at no risk..
fetch me a bone....
there are things known :) ... there are things unknown :( for everything else there is blogspot :D
the future is uncertain and the end is always near...
ull never know ... when d last drink will get over.. nor when d last stick will extinguish ... (enjoy it before it does ).. dont miss the starting gun ( a fav line from pink floyds - "TIME" from the dark side of the moon)
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i am six feet from the edge..and i am not thinking ...

... in the fiction of the space between... Sometimes a lie is the best thing
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