ppl ....my dear phrands...if u are here.... u shud be really lost...or u shud be my best phraand...
either ways .... it dont really matter.. what u are about to read is a nice song..which we did listen when we were young.... now that we are not young... but not really old... we ignore it...
they always play it on 15th august and 26th jan... i wonder why....
here it is.... a nice baBa's version of it..... hope u like it... hope u hate it too.... ( increasing the size of the hindi font for all those who have trouble reading hindi )
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा ..है मेरे neighbor का बच्चा
वोः चुलबुला है मेरा ... में गुलसितां हूँ उसका ।।
ऑफिस में हूँ अगर में ... रहता है वोह मेरे दिल में
समझो वही हमे भी ... जिगर का टुकडा है वोह हमारा
पार्वती को ना पता हे ... हमसाया शमा का
वोः संतान है हमारी ... वोः सपना है हमारा॥
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा ..है मेरे neighbor का बच्चा
वोः चुलबुला है मेरा ... में गुलसितां हूँ उसका॥
गोदी में खेलता है... उसकी हजोरों नत-खटिया
गुलशन भड़क जायेगा... भांडा जो अगर फूटा...... मुश्किल हो जायेगा जीना॥
क्या तुम्हे याद है वोह दिन ...
जहाँ शुरू हुआ उसका कारवां ....
यूनान - ओ -मिस्र - ओ -रोमा , सब मिट गए जहाँ से
अब तक मगर है बाकी , नम - ओ - निशान हमारा ॥
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा ..है मेरे neighbor का बच्चा
वोः चुलबुला है मेरा ... में गुलसितां हूँ उसका
मजहब नही सीखता ... मिल बांटके वोह खाता
हिंदू हूँ में... मुस्लिम है वोह ... बच्चा का कोई mistake नही उसमें ....
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा ..है मेरे neighbor का बच्चा
वोः चुलबुला है मेरा ... में गुलसितां हूँ उसका
ok... now all might like this..not all might understand this... but who the hell cares about everyone..
i am sure all will atleast murmur.. the first line... ;)
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा ..है मेरे neighbor का बच्चा
वोः चुलबुला है मेरा ... में गुलसितां हूँ उसका ।।
ho ho ho... "fuck..whats wrong with me... " ... peace! peace!! peace!!! ... a piece for all...
dont send jihadi ppl to get my ass.. its worthless.... nor the RSS or the nor the ISI nor the CBI ....
this is not a blog, that is suppse 2 show how smart i am...or how dumb i can get...its just that there is no limitation 2d human brain...d only limitation is time...eventually V all run out of it & no matter wht religion V follow or 2 which god (if there is any) V bow 2.. V all R gonna die... death is tax free :) life is not .. blogs R tax free ... OK!!.. i accept.. this is just another blog... U win.. i ll go2 hell.. ho ho ho ..!! go ahead .. read it at no risk..
fetch me a bone....
there are things known :) ... there are things unknown :( for everything else there is blogspot :D
the future is uncertain and the end is always near...
ull never know ... when d last drink will get over.. nor when d last stick will extinguish ... (enjoy it before it does ).. dont miss the starting gun ( a fav line from pink floyds - "TIME" from the dark side of the moon)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
life is a fruit-salad :)
before u read anything further... remember this.. this is coming out of personal experience (".)
when u get drunk... please dont brush ur teeth with shaving cream . . . its no fun....in fact just go to sleep... its OK if u dont brush ur teeth before bed.....
metrosexuals (mtsxl) .... i am not one of them...i think .. i think ... i think..i am a hippie... at least i was one till i didn’t take up this job....now the hippie looks are gone.... I am still letting the hippie live inside me… just in case I need him during the WWIII … now this is what happens in today’s world.... we all have jobs...we all get up in the morning... some have trouble downloading...some don’t... i for that matter have no worries at all.... I just have to sit on the commode ...and not do anything... the bowels just want to get hell out of me... as if they are suffocating inside..... thank you thank you...my smaller intestine....then we go to work....some take the car...some take public transport... some actaully work...or some pretend to work....some come straight back to home to their wife and kids... while some take the patlee galli and head to pubs, bars, lounges ...or wherever life takes them...some have a good day...some have bad day.....some care...some dont.... some are comfotably NUMB...some are comfortably DUMB...
Ok...this is not what this post is about..
so now...after brushing his teeth.... dude is late....so heads straight under the shower.... so... nunga-punga bath chalu... raat ko aamla ka tel se chumpi kiya hai ( wah-tikka tel. . .reminds me of lovely mandira bedi… extraaa shots :P ) ….to sabse pehle fructis ( I am sure this shampoo can be used as a nice topping cream in most of the European dishes )_ ...man this shampoo is nice... try it... smells like a lot of fruits are crushed in it.... then saboon lagane ke bari... saboon is also fruit flavored ...one of those Chinese soaps with apple flavor ( lol chinese soaps...they are gonna take over....and amreeka is gonna feed them )…. Nahake ho gaya ….shave karne ki baari ( its one of the most irritating activity for hippies… but thank god…he only gave us the brains to shave of dadhi… )… shaving cream lemon flavoured + aloe vera ( they say this aloe vera thing is miraculous )…. Aftershave is bloody pomegranate flavored + with added menthol … combs his hair… styling gel…coconut flavored…. (rotflol coconut )
Now time to put of some deodorant… again fruit flavored… watermelon :P
God damn it…. Brain super heating…. Fuck fuck fuck…. Fruit-salad…. I miss it….I WANT FRUIT SALAD
All those vitamins ….. all those fibers….. all those …
Just fuck it… I am going to FETCH some food…. Living in dog years ;)
PS : “to life..”…. It rained in MUMBAI today… thanks to u... life… I missed it…though I had a nice sunbath here in Chennai… sunscreens don’t work here…
Monday, June 2, 2008
mixed emotions
PS : i make my own mistakes. some times i take help from friends and foes.
many a times i get so lost..that i dont figure out anything. things just keep confusing me more and more...a chemical locha happens in the brain. and the best thing to do it shut it down. flush things down the drain and just not think at all. its a hard thing to do. but its not impossible.
there are many things in life that we dont want to happen...but they do happen... the last time chennai was more nice...i was small...all i knew in chennai was the street where we used to live... my school and marina beach and anna tower...back in those days...say 15 years back there were not many tall buildings in chennai... no telcom towers... anna tower was one of the tallest building in chennai u cud have a phackin amazin view of chennai..... god damn it...then it was called madrass... ( i wonder why these polititions keep changing names of the city... bombay was much better... it sounded western...mumbai sounds a lot more ghati :P ... mumbai sukhoobai :( ...)
this time i am in chennai...i know jarurat se jyada places ... few more months and i can become a guide in central chennai and western chennai... have to roam the whole day... in the bloody hot sun... with paseena tapkofying from whole body... i can easily do with a diaper ...to save the paseena from irritating the ....
its nice to interact with the local vendors who only speak tamil. wannakam sir... eppedi irke sales.. is my fav line.....
sometimes i love that i am in chennai...and i am lucky i am avoidin the tough life in mumbai... but the next day i am bound to get bum-fucked in the head. i miss mumbai. i hate a lot of me...for being in chennai. so everytime i get a feeling that i am happy to be in chennai...i am pretty sure that next day i am going to be...like i said.. bum-fucked in the head. the pattern is getting very very common.
chennai is small... its slow... for a person who has lived in mumbai...this is a dead slow pace...lucky for me..i can get up by 9 30 and still be on time to work...or even if i am late ..i dont have to answer any one... sales line is fun...but a loaded gun...and the gun is in bosses hand.. targets achieved ...the gun inctive....if targets go for a toss... the gun blows under ya ass.
and then there are times when i finish work by 3 pm...fir wapis dimmag ki maa behan ek ho jaati hai... baki ka poora din kya karna....a phrand of mine...i call him apple singh told me a nice tip... in the summer when u shud be working on the field ...doing sales... go to sathyam cinemas and watch a afternoon show.. i tried that and its real fun..
its useless ...it dont make sense...but at times a lof of things are not suppoes to make sense... there are things that need to be left incomplte in life ...so that u can always think about them...its a nice past-time to think about them....everything that is in place and in order can make things really boring and mundane....
also when a everythign in life is going right... i am sure that there is some big fuck up happening somewhere ...which i am not able to notice ... thats what happened... everything was going the way i wanted to go...but i failed to notice the fuck up... now its all messed up....but i am gonna leave it behind un-attended ...i am not gonna solve this fuck up... its supposed to be left incomplete so that i can wonder about it....and this can be my fav past-time...
memories are the riches of a wise man....
song for the day is mother- pinkFLOYD
Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Ooh ah,Mother, should I build the wall?
Mother, should I run for presidence?
Mother, should I trust the government?
Mama, will they put me in the firing line?
Ooh ah,Is it just a waste of time
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry.
Mamma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true,
Mamma's gonna put all of her fears into you,
Mamma's gonna keep you right here, under her wing.
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing,
Mamma's gonna keep baby cosy and warm.
Oooh babe, Oooh babe, Oooh babe,
Of course Mamma's gonna help build the wall.
Mama, do you think she's good enough, for me?
Mama, do you think she's dangerous, to me?
Mama, will she tear your little boy apart?
Ooh ah,Mother, will she break my heart?
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry.
Mamma's going to check out all your girlfriends for you,
Mamma won't let anyone dirty get through,
Mamma's gonna wait up until you get in.
Mamma will always find out where you've been,
Mamma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean.
Oooh babe, Oooh babe, Oooh babe,You'll always be baby to me.
Mother, did it need to be so high?
many a times i get so lost..that i dont figure out anything. things just keep confusing me more and more...a chemical locha happens in the brain. and the best thing to do it shut it down. flush things down the drain and just not think at all. its a hard thing to do. but its not impossible.
there are many things in life that we dont want to happen...but they do happen... the last time chennai was more nice...i was small...all i knew in chennai was the street where we used to live... my school and marina beach and anna tower...back in those days...say 15 years back there were not many tall buildings in chennai... no telcom towers... anna tower was one of the tallest building in chennai u cud have a phackin amazin view of chennai..... god damn it...then it was called madrass... ( i wonder why these polititions keep changing names of the city... bombay was much better... it sounded western...mumbai sounds a lot more ghati :P ... mumbai sukhoobai :( ...)
this time i am in chennai...i know jarurat se jyada places ... few more months and i can become a guide in central chennai and western chennai... have to roam the whole day... in the bloody hot sun... with paseena tapkofying from whole body... i can easily do with a diaper ...to save the paseena from irritating the ....
its nice to interact with the local vendors who only speak tamil. wannakam sir... eppedi irke sales.. is my fav line.....
sometimes i love that i am in chennai...and i am lucky i am avoidin the tough life in mumbai... but the next day i am bound to get bum-fucked in the head. i miss mumbai. i hate a lot of me...for being in chennai. so everytime i get a feeling that i am happy to be in chennai...i am pretty sure that next day i am going to be...like i said.. bum-fucked in the head. the pattern is getting very very common.
chennai is small... its slow... for a person who has lived in mumbai...this is a dead slow pace...lucky for me..i can get up by 9 30 and still be on time to work...or even if i am late ..i dont have to answer any one... sales line is fun...but a loaded gun...and the gun is in bosses hand.. targets achieved ...the gun inctive....if targets go for a toss... the gun blows under ya ass.
and then there are times when i finish work by 3 pm...fir wapis dimmag ki maa behan ek ho jaati hai... baki ka poora din kya karna....a phrand of mine...i call him apple singh told me a nice tip... in the summer when u shud be working on the field ...doing sales... go to sathyam cinemas and watch a afternoon show.. i tried that and its real fun..
its useless ...it dont make sense...but at times a lof of things are not suppoes to make sense... there are things that need to be left incomplte in life ...so that u can always think about them...its a nice past-time to think about them....everything that is in place and in order can make things really boring and mundane....
also when a everythign in life is going right... i am sure that there is some big fuck up happening somewhere ...which i am not able to notice ... thats what happened... everything was going the way i wanted to go...but i failed to notice the fuck up... now its all messed up....but i am gonna leave it behind un-attended ...i am not gonna solve this fuck up... its supposed to be left incomplete so that i can wonder about it....and this can be my fav past-time...
memories are the riches of a wise man....
song for the day is mother- pinkFLOYD
Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Ooh ah,Mother, should I build the wall?
Mother, should I run for presidence?
Mother, should I trust the government?
Mama, will they put me in the firing line?
Ooh ah,Is it just a waste of time
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry.
Mamma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true,
Mamma's gonna put all of her fears into you,
Mamma's gonna keep you right here, under her wing.
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing,
Mamma's gonna keep baby cosy and warm.
Oooh babe, Oooh babe, Oooh babe,
Of course Mamma's gonna help build the wall.
Mama, do you think she's good enough, for me?
Mama, do you think she's dangerous, to me?
Mama, will she tear your little boy apart?
Ooh ah,Mother, will she break my heart?
Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry.
Mamma's going to check out all your girlfriends for you,
Mamma won't let anyone dirty get through,
Mamma's gonna wait up until you get in.
Mamma will always find out where you've been,
Mamma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean.
Oooh babe, Oooh babe, Oooh babe,You'll always be baby to me.
Mother, did it need to be so high?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
nostalgia ...a funny word to many of us....we cant turn back time.... we cant bend time.... we cant do a thing about time... v cant even fast forward ...we cant even want/ask/force time to move fast....coz its only gonna take us close to death .... death must b such a wonderful thing that everything in life experiences it.....
today was a gr8 day.... did a many thing.... interacted nicely with the bozz and he said a few complicated things and commented at me... most of it with hidden meanings and taunts....
who the hell ... i think i am... i am baBa when i am not working other times i am highly human and vulnerable... thoda baten suni...thoda ignore kiya...fir targets ke peechhey bhaagne shuru kiya... paisa nachaye...nachaye.... nachaye..... paisa bhagaye....bhagaye... bhagaye....
and then at the end of the day ...came back home tired... then decided to head to the panjabi dhaba on the road to manali.... god she looked beautiful.... we were her silent admireres in 8th grade and 9th grade... drifting...
getting back...there is a place called manali in tamil nadu also...but the one in HP kicks ass ...
on our way to the dabha to madhvaram....there is motherfucking traffic that beats the hell out of us... so close to anna nagar...rather at the end of anna nagar we see this kool mofo sitting in his HONDA shitty band new city car.... nice car !!.... ( for those who dont know whats anna nagar is...anna nagar is one of the most awesome places in chennai ..its got nice bunglows and big roads and lots of ppl who eat bread...so u are sure to find good fresh brittania bread in anna nagar and descently high number of hindi speaking fellas)
so we fool around with that dude...why dont u exchage the car with this bike...we might show around and impress few chicks....and shit like thats...obviously he cant here us...he has locked himself in the car with AC and music )...so when the signal turns green....he accelerates and zaps... so we catch up with his car.... and there...there is a big noise ...a chutiya biker comes and bangs into that awesome brand new HONDA shitty car
and i am like.... maa chudi..... the biker is taking a wrong right turn... not the gadi walas fault... he is driving straight not rash ... bike wala shud have let him pass.... but now he is flying like those guys from WWF ( now WWE) ...he is wearing his helmate ...but still....he falls flat... he doesnt move after falling ....we pull over by the kerb...not knowing what to do....and even if we knew what to do... why shud we get involved...we dont have time...no energy..no interest in that ( awesome indian attitude) .... so this car wala dude has no idea what has actually happened and he gets out of the phacking car as if he is a maharaja....all he knows is someone bumped into his car and that he can now shout at the person for infecting his car with scratches.... but then when he sees tha biker on the road...deadlike.... gand phatying...starts running... we are by now...fuck...lets get the hek out of here... its useless ...we dont have the papers of our own bike no insurance and crap.... no NOC ...the bike is a MH regiserd and not TN
getting out...we must have silently and unknowingly preyed for that dude to be all right....
on our way to the dhaba...discusion id on existence of GOD :
so when we hit the dabha... its shady... ita dark... not clean... and exactly the way dhaba should be...
so we decide that we have food there... the water actually scared the shit out..it had the most wiered taste and a nice yellow color ...so accepted apni and phat-phati ho gayi ....we bought bottles min-water :P.... kabhi kabhi firang key tarah jeene mein majja hi kuch neerala hai....
ok...back at the dhaba...there is this rajasthani fam.. with thier skinny wives and phat hubbys...with a bunch of kids...they finish food and we get place to eat... everythign is fine so far....
and this is where nostalgia strikes me and mangesh ( dude who is from my state and buddy next door )
we order for 1)falli ka sabjee 2) dal 3) rayta 4) dahi....how did we decide on the menu...simple...that was the only menu of the day....
and then we are joined by few truckwallahs....surds juts....few himachalis ...and man...they have foul mouth...
they start utter ring words like bhenchode... maadarchode... maa ki chutt ... and many few dutty words :) (in chennai the only hindi abuse i have heard so far coming out of their mouth is "loude ka baal" a.k.a mayeer in tamil :P and the way they say it is also damn hillarious... southy anna accent) may be ppl from the north cant do without these few abuses ...which are inbuild....and they keep coming out no matter what they do...specially these truckwallahs have these awesome way of abusing.... so they are all talking in HINDI and abusing in Hindi... jo sun ne ko majaa aaya....life set ho gaya....
then we interact with this sardarjee who is a superfast whisky drinker... had driven all the way from agra... he shares a few stories and leaves as satisfied as a
by then we had started having gr8 time ..the food was amazin...tasty....super tasty...+ it was like i was eating roti after 20 days....and it sure was a blessing ...and 2nd best part is... 15 Rs a plate of sabjee or dal or rayta or dahi :P and nice garam garam rotis for 3 Rs ... dil-khush....sath mein lot of sardars opening a chotu bottle of whisky and drining it with two large patiyala pegs.... sure those guys are strong...
had awesome food..till we cudnt sit properly on those khatiyas.. by the time we had food...it was close to midnight...and the dhaba almost mpty.... so we lied on those same khatiyas and had a feeling tha a cow has... content :)
and the dude who was earlier making rotis comes out smoking a beede and asks... aaj raat idhar hi sone ka man kar rhaa hai kya... and i am like... agar aap bolo to hum chalte hai...and he is like..nahi nahi saab jee... aaram karon.... koi baat nahi hai.. ( god damn it....hindi sunke kitna aachha laga.... )
then he shares his beedee with us ... and we are like... dhanyawaad...bada acchha laga khana khake and hindi mien baante karke...... ab hum chal dete hai....
food, hindi , slang, beedee.... all i missed was a few things i dont want to mention here...after all this is a god damn blog... not a diary :P
wont mind going all the way to eat food out there... its only 15 kms away from the city....
there is HOPE and i have FAITH.... (both tattooed on me too)
today was a gr8 day.... did a many thing.... interacted nicely with the bozz and he said a few complicated things and commented at me... most of it with hidden meanings and taunts....
who the hell ... i think i am... i am baBa when i am not working other times i am highly human and vulnerable... thoda baten suni...thoda ignore kiya...fir targets ke peechhey bhaagne shuru kiya... paisa nachaye...nachaye.... nachaye..... paisa bhagaye....bhagaye... bhagaye....
and then at the end of the day ...came back home tired... then decided to head to the panjabi dhaba on the road to manali.... god she looked beautiful.... we were her silent admireres in 8th grade and 9th grade... drifting...
getting back...there is a place called manali in tamil nadu also...but the one in HP kicks ass ...
on our way to the dabha to madhvaram....there is motherfucking traffic that beats the hell out of us... so close to anna nagar...rather at the end of anna nagar we see this kool mofo sitting in his HONDA shitty band new city car.... nice car !!.... ( for those who dont know whats anna nagar is...anna nagar is one of the most awesome places in chennai ..its got nice bunglows and big roads and lots of ppl who eat bread...so u are sure to find good fresh brittania bread in anna nagar and descently high number of hindi speaking fellas)
so we fool around with that dude...why dont u exchage the car with this bike...we might show around and impress few chicks....and shit like thats...obviously he cant here us...he has locked himself in the car with AC and music )...so when the signal turns green....he accelerates and zaps... so we catch up with his car.... and there...there is a big noise ...a chutiya biker comes and bangs into that awesome brand new HONDA shitty car
and i am like.... maa chudi..... the biker is taking a wrong right turn... not the gadi walas fault... he is driving straight not rash ... bike wala shud have let him pass.... but now he is flying like those guys from WWF ( now WWE) ...he is wearing his helmate ...but still....he falls flat... he doesnt move after falling ....we pull over by the kerb...not knowing what to do....and even if we knew what to do... why shud we get involved...we dont have time...no energy..no interest in that ( awesome indian attitude) .... so this car wala dude has no idea what has actually happened and he gets out of the phacking car as if he is a maharaja....all he knows is someone bumped into his car and that he can now shout at the person for infecting his car with scratches.... but then when he sees tha biker on the road...deadlike.... gand phatying...starts running... we are by now...fuck...lets get the hek out of here... its useless ...we dont have the papers of our own bike no insurance and crap.... no NOC ...the bike is a MH regiserd and not TN
getting out...we must have silently and unknowingly preyed for that dude to be all right....
on our way to the dhaba...discusion id on existence of GOD :
so when we hit the dabha... its shady... ita dark... not clean... and exactly the way dhaba should be...
so we decide that we have food there... the water actually scared the shit out..it had the most wiered taste and a nice yellow color ...so accepted apni and phat-phati ho gayi ....we bought bottles min-water :P.... kabhi kabhi firang key tarah jeene mein majja hi kuch neerala hai....
ok...back at the dhaba...there is this rajasthani fam.. with thier skinny wives and phat hubbys...with a bunch of kids...they finish food and we get place to eat... everythign is fine so far....
and this is where nostalgia strikes me and mangesh ( dude who is from my state and buddy next door )
we order for 1)falli ka sabjee 2) dal 3) rayta 4) dahi....how did we decide on the menu...simple...that was the only menu of the day....
and then we are joined by few truckwallahs....surds juts....few himachalis ...and man...they have foul mouth...
they start utter ring words like bhenchode... maadarchode... maa ki chutt ... and many few dutty words :) (in chennai the only hindi abuse i have heard so far coming out of their mouth is "loude ka baal" a.k.a mayeer in tamil :P and the way they say it is also damn hillarious... southy anna accent) may be ppl from the north cant do without these few abuses ...which are inbuild....and they keep coming out no matter what they do...specially these truckwallahs have these awesome way of abusing.... so they are all talking in HINDI and abusing in Hindi... jo sun ne ko majaa aaya....life set ho gaya....
then we interact with this sardarjee who is a superfast whisky drinker... had driven all the way from agra... he shares a few stories and leaves as satisfied as a
by then we had started having gr8 time ..the food was amazin...tasty....super tasty...+ it was like i was eating roti after 20 days....and it sure was a blessing ...and 2nd best part is... 15 Rs a plate of sabjee or dal or rayta or dahi :P and nice garam garam rotis for 3 Rs ... dil-khush....sath mein lot of sardars opening a chotu bottle of whisky and drining it with two large patiyala pegs.... sure those guys are strong...
had awesome food..till we cudnt sit properly on those khatiyas.. by the time we had food...it was close to midnight...and the dhaba almost mpty.... so we lied on those same khatiyas and had a feeling tha a cow has... content :)
and the dude who was earlier making rotis comes out smoking a beede and asks... aaj raat idhar hi sone ka man kar rhaa hai kya... and i am like... agar aap bolo to hum chalte hai...and he is like..nahi nahi saab jee... aaram karon.... koi baat nahi hai.. ( god damn it....hindi sunke kitna aachha laga.... )
then he shares his beedee with us ... and we are like... dhanyawaad...bada acchha laga khana khake and hindi mien baante karke...... ab hum chal dete hai....
food, hindi , slang, beedee.... all i missed was a few things i dont want to mention here...after all this is a god damn blog... not a diary :P
wont mind going all the way to eat food out there... its only 15 kms away from the city....
there is HOPE and i have FAITH.... (both tattooed on me too)
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i am six feet from the edge..and i am not thinking ...

... in the fiction of the space between... Sometimes a lie is the best thing
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