i think....(sometimes i think ..its necessary).... who gave Jim the super power to be what ever he was....
i mean i dont belive in GOD ..... but only when i have a huge bamboo up my ass...i think there is some superPOWER who shud help me.... but dekha jaaye to....its me who pulls myself out of that mess...
he wrote songs...songs that still make the world go mad....danced in a different way... gave amazing one liners... and didnt trouble the world by living long...he tried all the drugs... and made them famous....
and then he explained death the best.....
Jim said:
Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws.
I wouldn't mind dying in a plane crash. It'd be a good way to go. I don't want to die in my sleep, or of old age, or OD... I want to feel what it's like. I want to taste it, hear it, smell it. Death is only going to happen to you once; I don't want to miss it.
i dont know how i want to die....i still i am still figuring it out...... and i am sure i will take a long time to figure it out....coz i am not as talented as JIM morrison :)
ALL I KNOW IS I AM A rider on the storm...I AM GONNA break on through to the other side.....till then..i am gonna rock and roll (H)
this is not a blog, that is suppse 2 show how smart i am...or how dumb i can get...its just that there is no limitation 2d human brain...d only limitation is time...eventually V all run out of it & no matter wht religion V follow or 2 which god (if there is any) V bow 2.. V all R gonna die... death is tax free :) life is not .. blogs R tax free ... OK!!.. i accept.. this is just another blog... U win.. i ll go2 hell.. ho ho ho ..!! go ahead .. read it at no risk..
fetch me a bone....
there are things known :) ... there are things unknown :( for everything else there is blogspot :D
the future is uncertain and the end is always near...
ull never know ... when d last drink will get over.. nor when d last stick will extinguish ... (enjoy it before it does ).. dont miss the starting gun ( a fav line from pink floyds - "TIME" from the dark side of the moon)
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i am six feet from the edge..and i am not thinking ...

... in the fiction of the space between... Sometimes a lie is the best thing
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Waah Taj! Aap toh writer nikley ;)
Don't bother figuring out death dude - unless u get hold of a return ticket :|
written ticket ? ? ;)
i wanna jump from a plane at 30,000ft without a parachute
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Good talk about Jim Mo, the legend that he is.....Good sentiment about his work here...
Khasnis u have done it again, all this zany energy and then now u talk so much sense, what are u smoking seriously. hehe
Good work yaa, will keep an eye for more...
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